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This small story really captivated me when I played it. The simple execution with bitsy really lets the imagination run wild with ideas and the implications!! I adored the depiction of all the characters.

The relationship with the girls father is so so interesting. The short story definitely left me wanting for more of her life and how she navigates it honestly. I liked the detail that her being able to navigate the whole map is cause she too can fly! it really was a good touch!

An elegantly-told little exploration of religion and worship. It is often poetic. The depiction of the angel is simple in its execution yet effective in communication the dissonance between the angel as a divine being and a father. An excellent little slice of what could be a larger story. 


thank you for this lovely comment! it was a wonderful surprise and a pleasure to read. i'm so pleased that the depiction of the father was able to illustrate that dissonance!